FLGOFF Neil Coutts Ligertwood 407244

Squadron/s | 452 SQN 457 SQN |
Rank On Discharge/Death | Flying Officer (FLGOFF) |
Mustering / Specialisation | Pilot |
Contributing Author/s | Compiled by Vince Conant 2017 The Spitfire Association |
Posted from No 1 OTU.
Native of South Australia.. First operational posting, having been a former flight instructor. Posted to No 4 PD at the end of his tour. No more postings until being discharged in April 1945.
Unfortunately 'Spitfire News' did not learn of Neil Ligertwood's passing in 1991 until very recently. Regretfully we are unable to provide details of his service career. Neil however, was a member of the South Australian 452/457 Association and was a senior South Australian Judge.
Yellow Section, with Ligertwood and Jude of 457Sqn RAAF, led by the Beaufighter of F/O Wickens, broke formation south of Babar Island and popped up to five hundred feet and turned on a western axis to attack their allotted target; a boat and launch hide-out on Wetan Island which was situated one mile across the separating strait. Jude sighted a barge on the beach and attacked it. Ligertwood followed Wickens and fired in the same area where the Beaufighter’s cannon shells had exploded. Following this attack, they circled and attacked a collection of huts at Herlei Camp in the same area.
A58-251 F.VC MH587
Arrived in Australia on SS Horoata 21/10/43. Rec 1AP ex UK 25/10/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 24/11/43. Rec 14ARD RP ex 1AD 09/12/43. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 14ARD RP 17/12/43. Coded ZP-M. F/ Sgt G Jude flew this aircraft in Babar island Mission 18/04/44. Rec 6AD ex 457Sqn RAAF 04/08/44. Rec 85Sqn RAAF ex 6AD 10/12/44. Rec 6AD ex 85Sqn RAAF 10/10/45. Authorised for write off 22/05/46. Passed to DAP 26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48. Installed RR Merlin M46#134575
There is very little service information about Neil Ligertwood! This may be by design but the above meager records gleaned from the Internet give us a glimpse of a seasoned fighter pilot. For that - we thank him! (editor)